Prostate Cancer Symptoms

The unfortunate reality is that early prostate cancer usually does not give us “clues” that it is present. Typically a prostate cancer that is not found routinely with screening tests (such as a PSA and/or a rectal exam) is not usually found until it has already spread outside of the prostate gland. Nevertheless, sometimes prostate cancer DOES give us clues and if it does, the clues are as follows:
1. A STRONG FAMILY HISTORY: A history of prostate cancer in relatives is a very important clue to make us think of the possibility that if a man is having other symptoms (which we will mention later in this posting) should make us think of the possibility that he is at risk for prostate cancer.
For example, a man who has no relatives with prostate cancer has about a 13% chance of developing prostate cancer. However, if either his dad, his uncle or his grandfather had prostate cancer, his risk of having prostate cancer jumps to approximately 25%. Lastly, if both his father and his grandfather both had prostate cancer, then his risk of developing prostate cancer can jump to almost 100%.
Therefore a family history of prostate cancer is an important clue to make help us if we think that someone may have prostate cancer.
2. DIFFICULTY WITH THE URINE STREAM. Problems with the urine stream are a typical indication that the prostate gland is enlarged. It is important to remember that the prostate gland may be enlarged and it not be cancer. This is a normal condition known as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (which is abbreviated as BPH). It is important to remember, however, that the gland can be enlarged as a result of prostate cancer and thus, we will review the types of symptoms that the prostate gland may produce if it is enlarged – possibly because of prostate cancer:
A. Inability to start the urinary stream. This is a symptom where a man feels that the urine seems to be “stuck” before it starts to flow.
B. Dribbling of urine at the end of urination.
C. Markedly increased urinary frequency. After urinating, a man with an enlarged prostate (which, as we have seen, may be due to prostate cancer) does not feel as if he has “emptied” his bladder and the desire to urinate returns very frequently and with short intervals between urination.
D. Waking up at night in order to urinate.
E. Blood is the urine (this is a rare development)
3. LOWER BACK PAIN: Lower back pain may be an important clue to suggest that a prostate cancer has started in the prostate and has moved to the lower back and has caused destruction of the bones of the lower back and is causing pain there. Of course, there are other reasons for a man to have lower back pain but in a man with a strong family history of prostate cancer and a long history of problems with urination, if he then develops back pain, prostate cancer is a very important consideration in that man.
4. PAIN IN THE GROIN REGION: Another important clue for the possibility of prostate cancer is pain in the groin region. This is pain in the upper thighs or in the groin. As with the entries before, there are other reasons why a man may have pain in the groin region – such as, perhaps an inguinal hernia – but in a man with a strong family history of prostate cancer and a long history of problems with urination (see above) if he then develops pain in the groin region, then it is important to consider prostate cancer.
5. SUDDEN INABILITY TO MOVE THE LEGS OR SUDDEN INABILITY TO CONTROL THE URINE. These are serious possible clues for the possibility of prostate cancer in the person who develops these problems. These findings are found in a person with prostate cancer who has had the cancer move from the prostate to the lower back and the cancer has destroyed the nerves of the lower spine.
All of the above clues, symptoms and considerations are covered in excellent detail and in very easy to understand language in the Prostate Cancer audio CD which is available on the web site called

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