Breast Cancer signs – Cancer In Plain English – Cancer Information Cancer Information Sat, 04 Apr 2015 14:55:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Breast Cancer Stage Sat, 30 Jan 2010 13:54:01 +0000 There are four key and most important things to remember and to have in mind when it comes to breast cancer.
The first is to know if the woman with the breast cancer is still having menstrual periods or not. Breast cancer behaves differently in women who are as yet having regular periods compared with the way it behaves in women who are no longer having regular periods.
The second is the size of the tumor when it is found. This is important because this will tell us about the possibility of the tumor to spread. The larger the tumor size when it is found, the greater the chance for it to have spread by the time we have found it.
The third is the finding or not of lymph nodes in the axilla (or, as is more commonly known, the “armpit”) which show that the cancer had spread to them. This is key as it tells us if the cancer has had the opportunity to spread to this site by the time we find it. If it has, this is a very key finding that dictates how aggressive we need to be in order to try to keep the cancer from ever returning.
The fourth and final key point to know when breast cancer is found, is if the breast cancer had what are known as receptors present in it. These receptors are called Erstrogen receptors, Progesterone receptors and HER-2 receptors. If the cancer does have receptors present, this will help us know how to treat it. If it does not have receptors present, this will then let us know how else to treat the breast cancer.
All of the above concepts and more are available in very easy to understand language in the Breast Cancer audio CD available on

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Breast Cancer Symptoms Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:01:35 +0000 In its early stages, unfortunately, breast cancer is usually painless. This characteristic makes regular screening tests such as mammograms and breast self-examinations even more important. On some occasions, however, women may develop signs and/or symptoms which may give us clues or indications to look for breast cancer. We will review these as follows:
1. LUMP. The finding of a lump in one’s breast or in the underargm during a breast and underarm self-exam is an important clue that should not be overlooked. Besides breast cancer. there are other reasons why we may find a lump in one’s breast, such as a benign fibrocystic disease of the breast or the natural lumpiness of the breasts that occur in some women – especially during the menstrual cycle, however, the finding of a hard lump in one’s breast is an important finding that should be reported to our physicians. It is important to note that almost half – 50% of all masses found in the breast – are found in the upper outer aspect of the breast.
2. HARDNESS OF THE SKIN OF THE BREAST. There is a very special and important form of breast cancer known as an Inflammatory Breast Cancer. This is a very rapidly growing and aggressive form of breast cancer which needs to be addressed as soon as possible. This form of breast cancer usually presents as an induration and hardness of the skin of the breast with an increased redness as well. If a woman develops increased redness and hardness in one or both breasts, it is important to report this finding to her physician as soon as possible. There are other reasons for the finding of a redness and hardness of the skin of the breast, however an Inflammatory Breast Cancer is such an important and urgent finding that it needs to be considered and ruled out as soon as the thought that this may be the case enters our minds.
3. NIPPLE DISCHARGE. A nipple discharge, on some occasions, may be a sign of an underlying breast cancer. As noted earlier, not all breast discharges are an indication of an underlying breast cancer; however if a woman discovers a repeated nipple discharge – especially if it is a bloody nipple discharge – it is very important for her to report this to her physician.
4. CHANGE IN THE SIZE OR SHAPE OF THE BREAST. If a woman notices that there has been a change in the size and/or shape of her breast, this may be an important clue to the development of breast cancer. As we noted earlier, breast cancer in its early stages is painless. As such, the only clue we may have of the presence of a breast cancer may be the finding of a change in the appearance of the breasts themselves.
5. PAIN OR TENDERNESS OF THE BREASTS. The development of pain or tenderness in one or both breasts may indicate an underlying breast cancer.
6. RETRACTION OR INDENTATION OF THE NIPPLE OF THE BREAST. If the nipple of one or both breasts becomes indurated or retracted, this may be a sign of an underlying breast cancer.
All of the above concepts and many more are covered in very easy to understand language in the Breast Cancer audio CD available on

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